Cassandra Summit 2016 - The Last Pickle video recap

The biggest event in our community is undoubtedly the Cassandra Summit, which took place this year in September at the San Jose’s Convention Center.
The Last Pickle team was there of course and we gave no less than 17 talks during this edition, covering a wide range of topics from introduction to advanced operations.

Cassandra Summit 2016 : The Last Pickle video recap

We hope you’ll enjoy watching the videos if you didn’t have the chance to be with us at the event or watch them again if some information slipped through your ears.

Jon Haddad - @rustyrazorblade

A Shortcut to Awesome: Cassandra Data Modeling

Connecting Cassandra Data with GraphFrames

Ed Capriolo - @edwardcapriolo

A Detailed Look At cassandra.yaml

Everything to Know about Tunable Consistency

Nate McCall - @zznate

Advanced Cassandra Operations via JMX

Securing Cassandra for Compliance (or Paranoia)

Jon Haddad & Nate McCall

Design Session Improv on Cassandra

Christopher Batey - @chbatey

The Best and Worst of Cassandra-stress Tool

Light Weight Transactions Under Stress

Mick Semb Wever - @mck_sw

Introduction to Cassandra

Advances in Cassandra Tracing with Zipkin

Aaron Morton - @aaronmorton

CQL performance with Apache Cassandra 3.0

Watching Cassandra Projects Succeed and Fail

Alain Rodriguez - @arodream

How Cassandra Deletes Data

Monitoring Cassandra: Don’t Miss a Thing

Alexander Dejanovski - @alexanderDeja

Operations, Consistency, Failover for Multi-DC clusters

Real World Tales of Repair

cassandra summit video